Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day 6:
Boat ride on the Ohio River.

Today we took a paddleboat ride down the Ohio River. The owner's son gave a history of river travel and life on the Ohio around Marrietta.  I thought the river would be rougher and faster than it was.  River travel for Christopher and Martha would have been much better than overland travel.  I bet they were filled with awe and excitement at the view of the wilderness potential.

This is the landing where the pioneers pulled into Marrietta after their long trip down the Ohio River.  Imagine their flatboat tied up by those trees. They had to unload all of their belongings, animals, two small children.....etc.  Often the flatboats were taken apart and used for other needs.  At this point in the journey Christopher and his friend George Wolf put supplies in the canoes along with one child.  Martha and George 's wife load supplies and animals for the long walk to Athens.......strong of will, strength and persistence.

After the boat ride, we drove to Nelsonville.  This is where our grandfather, William Clyde Herrold lived as a young boy.  The above picture is the downtown. 

If you read grandpa's book, he tells about getting in the wagon on a Sunday to go to Athens to HIS grandpa's farm. (I think grandpa was about 8 years old). His dad would drive the wagon through downtown and they would stop at the bakery for a "store bought" cookie. This was a real treat because they didn't have much money.  SO, we stopped at the Sunflower Bakery in downtown Nelsonville for a cookie. The owner was just closing up shop but when she heard our story she graciously brought out cookies and sold us some.  We ate them in honor of our grandpa, William and his parents.  

Then we went to our 1850 house (an airbnb) to unload and regroup. 

One thing I have not talk about much......but we always seem to find really great places to eat.!!!!

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