Sunday, August 4, 2019

Tag Sechs            Martha, Her Decendants
                  and Headstones Found and Not Found

We are still trying to find Martha Magdalena and Christopher.  Martha and Christopher were married 26 years when Christopher passed. It is written they are buried in Wolf Plains which is now Plains Hocking Cemetary.
 It is a very small cemetary and we feel we covered it pretty good on foot. Steve and Teri did find three small worn stones in an overgrown thicket. So many headstones have become smooth since 1823...We were so disappointed not to find them but we figured Martha would say, " Stop this nonsense and wandering around and get back to work."
Today we did stop at her home after marrying her next husband Silas Bingham soon after Christopher's death November 3, 1823.

Called the Silas Bingham House, it is now the visitors center for Athens University. Two stories, giant poplar logs built in 1803. Silas was a Revolutionary vet, first sheriff and started many businesses. Martha was mother to her 11 kids, his 12 kids adoptd two other children in need and for good measure added their own child little Hiram Bingham. Info at the loghouse stated she was called Magdalena.
After Silas died in 1832, Martha Magdalena Cable Bingham Jackson married for the last time to John Jackson and finally passed June 16, 1867 and is supposed to be near Christopher at Wolf Plains. Martha tell us where you are......we want to say a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. FYI: At least eight Herrold ancestors fought in the Civil War (Union side). There were probably many more, but my research focuses on those that are my distant cousins (or close). I am preparing an item for my blog – – and would like some family input. If you're interested, perhaps we could exchange thoughts via e-mails. (My blog contains a slightly disguised contact e-mail.)
